Monday, February 11, 2013

tOATally chill.

refridgerator oatmeal.
what is it? why is it all over pinterest? and what makes it better than regular oatmeal? these were a few of the questions i have been wondering for quite some time. yesterday while i was supposed to be doing homework, i got side tracked by pinterest and decided to investigate these fridge oats. the pictures i found were beautiful, and everyone that had tried them said that it was delicious. since i had all of the ingredients in my fridge, i thought that this would be a perfect way to start my 6 am monday morning, with a chilled breakfast ready to go. while researching, i found multiple recipes for these oats. since i am lactose intolerant, i decided to mix up the recipe a tad bit. 

- 1/3 cup oats 
- 1/3 cup of unsweetened almond milk 
- 1 mason jar 
- 1/4 cup frozen berries

the original recipe calls for yogurt which make it creamier, but since all i have is soy yogurt (which tastes kind of funny) i decided to forgo the yogurt and stick to my almond milk. if you would like the recipes for the traditional fridge oats, comment or message me and i will give it to you. also, what is important to remember is that this doesn't have to be a precise science, be creative & do what you like! 

first, combine the oats & milk in your mason jar. cover and shake. once it is shook, add whatever you want for flavor. i had frozen berries on hand that were a great additive because as they melt overnight, the sauce that comes off of them is delicious! when you wake up in the morning, all you have to do is eat it! 

after i was done eating it, i realized that it was my favorite way to eat oatmeal. it can last in your fridge for a week and if you freeze it, it can last for at least a month. my next flavors are going to be pumpkin pie & zucchini bread oatmeal! stay tuned for my next recipes & reviews. depending on what you add, the calorie content will vary, but for my recipe, my calorie count was 160 for the oats, 15 for the milk and 20 for the fruit, so all in all, under 200 calories & quite delish!

until next time, happy monday :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe, mine are in the fridge waiting for morning.