Thursday, February 28, 2013

banana sushi.

i have been seeing this idea on pinterest for quite some time and i thought that i would give it a whirl. there have been a few different ideas on how to make this 'sushi' and i was contemplating a healthier version that i could make as a snack or a meal that people of all ages would love. since everyone likes a banana, that was where i was starting. as the binding agent i decided on peanut butter & chocolate butter combination. this caused some issues. since peanut butter and nutella are delicious & all i want but not so nutritious, i was on the search for something else. i have read about PB2 and researched it quite a bit and thought that that would be the best substitute. of course, the closest place i could buy it is 4 hours away or online. so off to the health food stores i went in search of another option. to my surprise, on the shelf right next to traditional peanut butter was powdered peanut butter and chocolate butter (aka the exact same thing as PB2). i was so excited & raved about my new, local find to my mother. for those of you unfamiliar with PB2, here is a quick statement from bell plantation on their product.

"A lot of the positive feedback we receive comes from our customers who had sworn off peanut butter because of the fat and calories in the traditional product - whether it is all-natural or the regular grocery store offerings.
If you have any doubts about the benefits of PB2 vs. traditional peanut butter, read on. Keep in mind, that PB2 is all natural peanut butter without the fat or the added hydrogenated oil."

Traditional(2 tbsp)

190 calories
Calories from fat: 130
Saturated fat: 3 grams

PB2(2 tbsp)

45 calories
Calories from fat: 13
Saturated fat: 0 grams

i was just so excited about this find and even more excited for my sushi!

- 1 small banana
- 1 slice 40 calorie bread (whole wheat) 
- 1 tbsp peanut butter (PB2)
- 1 tbsp chocolate butter (PB2) 

cut the crust off the bread and squish. this can be done with hands or a rolling pin. then mix your pb2 and chocolate pb2. i did 1 tbsp of each. spread both mixtures onto the squished bread, lay banana (peeled of course) atop and roll the bread around the banana. cut as you would sushi & serve. i drizzled 1/2 tbsp of sugar free syrup for some added sweetness, but mostly decor. enjoy your healthy sushi treat! 

final stats:
calories: 181
fat: 2 g
carbs: 39 g
protein: 8 g
fiber: 6 g

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