Tuesday, February 26, 2013

egg white omelet.

...cheese-less that is. 
being lactose intolerant means that cheese and dairy products make my stomach do somersaults ending in a very uncomfortable night & usually day after. although cheese hurts me, that doesn't mean i have to stay away from typical "cheese" dishes. an omelet is delicious, nutritious, and absolutely filling. so today, i decided to make a cheese-free omelet. omelet's are wonderful because you can truly add anything you want to them.

- 1/6 onion 
- 1/4 red bell pepper
- 1 mushrooms
- 2 campari tomatoes 
- 4 egg whites 
- 1 tbsp homemade hot sauce

first, lightly brown the onions and bell peppers. after they have cooked a bit, add the mushrooms and tomatoes. i another pan, lightly spray with pam and add the 4 egg whites. i am a pepper feign, so i always sprinkle some onto my eggs. on medium heat, cook the eggs. when they are browned on one side, flip and add the veggies onto the omelet. (if you like cheese, add it then) serve & enjoy! 


final stats:
calories: 109 
fat: 1 g 
carbs: 10 g 
protein: 22 g 
fiber: 2 g

until next time, have a wonderful day :D

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