Tuesday, February 26, 2013

air popped popcorn.

watching a movie? snuggling on the couch? having a craving for something sweet, salty, or savory?
those are all times that i crave popcorn. but who wants popcorn with a lot of butter, salt, and even more calories? when you are on a road to the healthy you, that is something that should be avoided, until now. air popped popcorn is the healthy alternative. i had heard that, but i didn't own an air popper. that seemed like a huge issue until i found out that all you need is a brown paper bag.

(makes 4 cups: 2 servings)
- 1/4 cup popcorn kernels
- 1 brown paper bag

simply measure, pour the kernels in the bag, fold the bag 3 times, pop in the microwave & enjoy. do not staple or tape the bag. microwave for approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds. remember, some microwaves cook faster than others, so just as you would with any other bagged popcorn, listen to the popping and when it is 3 seconds between pops stop it.

final stats (per 2 cup serving):
calories: 60
fat: 1 g
carbs: 12 g
protein: 2 g
fiber: 2 g 
top with your favorite seasoning & snuggle up :D

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